We're Back!

I apologize everyone for the LOONG Hiataus. After a paid gig and participating in an anthology collection, we're finally back with Viewbox! Updates may not be weekly BUT we are back on track.

Trevor gave me the final manuscrip for Viewbox so I'm busy reading that and thumbing the full FIRST ISSUE!! The story is great and I'm really looking forward to putting such great writing to work!

See you all soon!

By MOM (Artist) on March 18, 2015


Sorry kids, I've gotta go on hiatus for a few weeks.

tl;dr: I got hired as a colorist for another comic and I gotta work on that for a bit.

So back around June-ish, I tried out for a friend of mine's comic idea. I ended up being hired as the colorist (because, ya know, I'm awesome :D) Unfortunately, because of the holidays and issues with the orginal artist, we've had delays in getting the pages out. Now, we're finally crankin pages out. Which unfortunately means that Viewbox will be on hiatus for a month or so (sorry guys, this is paid work, and paid work wins against free work). Unfortunately, having a full time job, taking classes, and coloring for another comic doesn't give a girl much time to work on side projects.

I'll be back!

By MOM (Artist) on March 2, 2014